Work With Us

Please visit the MHA Nation website for more details regarding open positions with Good Road Recovery.

Jobs / Employment

Employment Overview:

The Good Road Recovery Center is owned and operated the Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota. Employment with the Good Road Recovery Center begins with the Three Affiliated Tribes Human Resources Department.

Please see current job openings, if any, and complete the MHA Nation Employment Application and the Investigative Questionnaire for Designated Child Care/Public Trust Positions.

Disclosure: final decisions on hiring are at the discretion of the Tribal Business Council.

Contact Us

Contact Good Road Recovery Center with your questions.
We have trained support professionals waiting to help.

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Good Road Recovery Center
1308 Elbowoods Ln
Bismarck, North Dakota 58503

Call Us

(701) 751-8260

Recovery Hotline

(701) 421-8869

Email Us